Distant Showers (enlarged), 18 x 18, L. Daniel
What is it about rain in the distance that is so captivating? I think it's that we can actually SEE the clouds bursting and the water pouring out. It's thrilling and it carries a certain sense of urgency (must close windows... must batten down the hatches.) It's just so big and powerful.
This is the third painting in my big sky series from West Texas...
And the painting is also captivating! I think it's the fact that we can see where the rain starts and ends that mesmerises us when it comes to distant rain. Usually we're just in the middle of it - it seems to come from nowhere and then stop abruptly - so we're in awe when we can see rain as a finite body with shape, size and edges. A great subject and a great painting - I really like your palette in this one.
Hi Laurel, I look forward to your paintings every morning. I'm loving this series on the big sky over in Texas. The light is so different to it is here. But the rain in distance is understood nowhere better than here in Ireland! Beautifully captured.
Laurel, this is an amazing painting. Such a treat to watch you create!
Love this series. And, I really like seeing the studies. How your go from here to there.
Amazing. Nature and watching you capture the moments, the drama, the color the feeling and sensing the smells. Love it!
Laurel, Your painting is so stunning, just breathtaking! I loved the small one, but this is just fabulous!
You really did capture BIG SKIES!!!
great piece. love your work!
Wow, how do you manage to create such captivating skies, time and time again. This one is breathtaking.
Hi Laurel,
This is fabulous.
Laurel, just fantastic!!! Well done!Happy painting!
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