
Friday, January 6, 2012

A New Road and an unexpected detour

A New Road, L. Daniel, 6 x 8, SOLD

Some new directions beckon like a siren song... we see the road and long to follow it. But some paths take us on unexpected detours we would rather avoid. I am currently on one of those life detours....

One week before Thanksgiving I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Although this was a really scary news to receive, it was stage one, easily removed and totally treatable. Early detection made ALL the difference. I know I am fortunate - I am going to be completely well soon and am very grateful. 

Things move fast in the cancer world, and that's a good thing. But long story short... I had a lumpectomy on December 1, took a few weeks to heal from that, and had a wonderful Christmas with my family. Then, right after Christmas, I began radiation treatments - five days a week until February 17 (no chemo needed, and I am thrilled.) So far I am not experiencing side effects, but typically fatigue sets in about halfway through. I am generally pretty high energy, but I know it will hit me at some point and have adjusted my schedule accordingly. Meanwhile, I picked up my brushes this week for the first time since the diagnosis and it felt really good - THAT was a victory. 

I thank God that this detour will be a relatively short one for me. And here's the thing... trials have a way of leading us to personal growth. They help us adjust our perspective and priorities, and demand that we remember our affinities. I am trying to embrace that reality and grab onto the lessons being offered. 

Is it me, or does the sun seem to be shining just a little more brightly these days? Happy New Year to us all! 

See more Small Works


  1. Such surprising news, am so sorry for this "detour", but how great to hear that the early detection and speedy treatment is all leading you down a healthier path. Sending many good thoughts and wishes for a quick recovery. Your postings and artwork have been missed!

  2. I'm glad that your detour isn't taking you too far from the road. Very scary but, yes, the sun is shining brighter. Take good care. Keep working. The "New Road" looks welcoming.

  3. I too am sorry to hear you've had to struggle with this detour. It's good to hear of your strength, progress and the news of recovery. I'm a long time admirer of your work and look forward to more when you're able. Thanks for sharing this lovely painting and your thoughts.

  4. Laurel - what a terrifying diagnosis and daunting prospect to face: cancer and its treatment! Thank goodness it was caught early and the treatment - relatively speaking - is minor.

    Good for you for your introspection in this unexpected life detour. I wish you a quick recovery and I'm sure your art will be another source of strength in dealing with this.

    It is good to have you back in the blogosphere!

  5. Many good wishes to you, on your healing journey. Thanks so much for sharing this. I went through a similar process with breast cancer. Two years along, I am so grateful for the learnings that continue to unfold. Kudos to you for embracing the process. Take wonderfully good care of yourself!

  6. Oh wow, I was thinking about you the other day and just figured you had been busy with Christmas and family. So sorry to hear this but so thankful that you were vigilant and getting checked and caught it early. Please take good care of yourself and remember there are so many people out here praying for you, including myself! You have been such an encouraging person to me in my art journey and I can think of nothing but encouraging words for you now at this time. I also wish you a quick recovery and hopefully more painting in the near future!

  7. The road is full of forks and twists and turns. Happy Healing and safe travels from here on out. Your work is superb!!

  8. Just yesterday I thought about you and how much I missed your posts! I am sorry to hear about the turn your journey has taken and send you my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Your painting, as always, is just stunning. Hang in there!

  9. Truly beautiful painting full of light and promise. I am so proud of you and can feel the strength and new appreciation of all the little things just shining through. What a beautifully written post that is not only touching but a reminder that early detection is key! Along with a 'Kick Butt Laurel' team surrounding you and lots of love and support! xo!

  10. Laurel I am so glad you got it detected early and that its so easily treatable. Your painting is fantastic.
    Your paintings always inspire me. Happy New Year and yes- the sun is shining brighter!

  11. Laurel, wishing you health and happiness.

  12. Great little painting Laurel. I will be praying for you.

  13. Laurel
    Your posts have been missed, they are the highlight of my day when they show up in my inbox. I am so glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with you and wish you many shining days ahead of plein air painting.

  14. I am happy to hear you are going to be ok. That is quite a scare! Your post has me in tears and I appreciate the reminder to cherish every day. All the best to you on your road to full recovery. Your spirit and your artwork are an inspiration.

  15. Scary news. You have a great positive perspective on this detour in your life. Many times these unanticipated paths teach so much, despite how hard they can be. Sending thoughts and prayers in your direction.

  16. Laurel...I just discovered you on DPW,after reading this blog, I realize how I missed you til now...I just joined DPW on Dec 1st. So glad to find you and your amazing work!

  17. your taking the "high road" on this detour shows your courage. am so proud of you.
    st. jude and all your friends will keep you in our thoughts.

  18. Oh Laurel, thank God the prognosis is favorable but how devastating for you and your family. My first thought when I opened this painting was how beautifully you handled the composition and the road/distance.
    It seems you handled the detour beautifully too. No easy feat.

  19. I have missed you, Laurel, and admire your great, positive outlook. Know that you are in my prayers and thoughts. Your painting had always inspired me as does your courage and outlook. Blessings!

  20. Love your painting so peaceful and fresh. Sorry to hear about your detour but you are so right "Praise God for an early diagnosis and good news about your recovery, God does draw us real close to Him during those tough times but soon enough He again gives us the strength to fly.

  21. Laurel, so sorry to hear this. Wishing you the very best, and speedy journey back to wellness!
    You sound terrific, very strong and positive!

  22. Congratulations on the early diagnosis. The good news is: you've got a loving family, lots of friends, and a great attitude. Hard to think anything could get in the way of all those positive things.

    I'm glad you picked up your brushes. I love your work.

  23. Blessings and prayers Laurel. Glad all will be well. Love the painting. Best in 2012 to you.

  24. Laurel,
    So glad the cancer was detected early and you were able to take care of it with radiation. Thank you for sharing your detour. It takes courage to talk about your own personal health scares but someone reading this blog will now decide to make that appointment for her annual mammogram and that will make all the difference for her. Your painting is beautiful as is your spirit. Best wishes for complete healing and I so look forward to meetin you at St Simon Island in May.

  25. Leaving well wishes and hugs. I've missed your notes as they are the highlight of my day but figured you were like many of us and just busy with through Christmas. So happy for your early detection! Again, sending hugs, Phyllis

  26. Your posts have been greatly missed, and now I understand why. This is a beautiful painting, symbolizing hope and strength. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Laurel. Take care.

  27. I'm glad you were able to catch the cancer in its early stage. Take care of yourself and paint when you can, rest when you need to and be well soon.

  28. I am so sorry you have go through this. So very very glad you discovered this early on and you are well on your way to recovery. So very thankful to hear you do not have to have chemo. You are an amazing person with lots of positive energy, with this in mind I am sure you will be 100% soon.

  29. Reading your post made me catch my breath so loudly that the dog jumped up, circled and then settled back down. I trust it's an apt analogy for your recent detour. The dog will resume dreaming, just as you will resume painting, and both will be beautiful.

  30. Take very good care and my thoughts and prayers will be with you for a speedy recovery. I'm so glad you detected it early.

  31. Hi Laurel,

    I'm so glad to hear you're doing well, and delighted to see
    your beautiful painting.

    Happy New Year!


  32. I'm so sorry you're going through this! Thank you for posting such poignant and encouraging words about facing our trials, I know I will remember them whenever I'm faced with my own detours. Wishing you a healthy, happy, prosperous, and painting-filled 2012.

  33. Sending my best wishes your way. A friend of mine is going through the exact same thing right now--same exact journey. She's in the middle of the radiation, also no chemo, also lumpectomy. She is tired but otherwise well. Hope your journey is short!

  34. Laurel, I just tripped upon your blog after a brief time away from checking up on your work and read this news. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts. Best to you and your health (and art!)

  35. Laurel,
    Apparently it's been a while since I made my rounds in the blogishere...I just caught up to your post.
    You're an incredibly strong and positive force and I have no doubt you'll come through this the stronger.
    Blessings to you and your family.

  36. Oh wow Laurel, your a trooper. A big smile indeed now that your feeling better. :)


  37. It's excellent to listen to of your strength, progress and also the information of recovery.

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